martes, enero 13, 2015

GEMINIS (live, without editing)

Rarely I write without checking, and with a sudden impulse. Now I'm doing it for a term of my soul. The title has to do with I will write, almost in menu mode. I will try to be direct without much details. A blessed day of may 2014 went with my nephew Rodrigo, to the Costanera Center mall. After doing some shopping invited him to a local meals that seemed novel in Santiago, however, I knew in my trips to USA. It's the Johnny Rockets, whose burgers are famous. We were at what were, when suddenly I approaches a waitress with an angelic smile, telling me: ' I you know him... met him in the... "I looked at her bewildered, but the situation seemed somewhat reckless but as usual with these episodes, I quickly reacted, and occurred to me nothing more than write my cell phone number on a napkin, and give it, "I call..." I told her, "but I don't know your name," said with half-tone or less. "Gemini" me she said with aplomb.
While I could stay there could write in another napkin n ° of cell is it.
I confess that I wanted to flee there. But something was circling me. It was his poise, his honesty, and of course, the beautiful that was. A superlative beauty, that harmonized perfectly with his genuine sympathy.
It had not a resemblance with the actress Brooke Shield. And I am not exaggerating.
"Where we met?" Was the question that was home to a beautiful story."Don't tell me" she said..."mmm... can be in Providence with Huelen?" "perfect, at 8:30 pm, can't early..." Gemini, he said. The call had done at 6 pm, immediately after leaving his home to my nephew.
What wine then I believe that it doesn't know yet.
I hope to return to this story, essentially, if there is good news
Meanwhile, I can get here.

miércoles, enero 07, 2015


Can the love to everything; bring to the altar of heaven; or to the depths of hell.

Therefore, talk of love is to talk about sums of individual experiences.

The mine has had two limits, up and down. I write because I'm reaching the limit below. 

My experience has been beautiful but toxic has been of great intensity, great feeling, fight, wanting to reach the beautiful gate of heaven, and conversely, what has happened leads me straight to hell. 

I didn't know to protect this love, I assume it. I not should have transferred the untouchables thresholds of the privacy of another person. 

This limit is my responsibility and I should respect it. Because I could do it. I don't want to keep writing... It makes me sad.

sábado, enero 03, 2015

No Hay Amor Mas Grande que el que Da la Vida por un Amigo

El título de este escrito corresponde a una frase sacada del Nuevo Testamento. Reconozco que nunca le tomé "el peso", que lo tenía en mi memoria, pero en la práctica no me refería nunca a ella, en mis conversaciones ni escritos.
Pero en el último año me hace mucho sentido.
Porque lo he vivido. Personalmente. Casi en todo lo que alcanza la frase a dar fecundamente.
Disculpen que no me refiera específicamente a lo que me sucedió.
Sólo puedo decir que lo he vivido en "carne propia".
Todos los días hay anónimos héroes y heroínas del Amor, que dan su vida por alguien que lo está pasando mal.
Yo he tenido la "asistencia" de esos Héroes. Especialmente en el año 2014.
Han dado la Vida. ¿que significa eso?
Morirse? No exactamente.
Por un Amigo...Amigo? Cómo reconzco a mis Amigos. 
No hay ciertamente Amor más Grande que eso.
Dar la Vida, no significa necesariamente "quitarse" la vida. Es Dar, Regalar, Entregarse en cuerpo y alma, es Dar hasta que se nos caigan los brazos de cansancio, darlo todo.
Y no es una exageración. El DAR es bueno para el que recibe pero es igualmente bueno para el que da.
"El valor de una Sonrisa", cómo diría Alberto Hurtado s.j.,"no cuesta nada hacerlo, y hace tan bien al que la recibe,"
Dar, darse, regalar parte de tu vida para recuperar la esperanza de otros, es un ejemplo, que se repite a diario en este mundo.
No tendría el tiempo para relatar cuántas veces lo he vivido, la mayoría de las veces sin querer, sólo esa sensasión íntima, que te la guardas en tu corazón.

Cuanta gente anda por el mundo quejándose de su suerte esquiva, lamentádose de que todo le sale mal...en ellos pienso, cómo enviarle una sonrisa esperanzadora.

Siempre hay algo bueno en nuestras vidas... nadie es tan "pobre", que no tenga algo lindo que recordar y dar.
Busquemos ese "archivo" en el disco duro de nuestro Corazón.
Y cuando lo encontremos, transformémolo en una Sonrisa regalada con tanta limpieza de Alma, que no uno sino muchos, lo agradecererán. En serio.